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Its FALL !  'Gear up for winter'. 
This is what comes to our minds when we enter into fall. A harsh winter is on our way, be prepared. Shop for warm clothes, buy extra socks, new shoes, a new jacket, perhaps even change car tires?? An annual plumbing and heater checks. Phew. Its just like the beginning of a known yet an unknown seasonal war. 

Green fields turning to brown. Brown fields turning to barren land, when hay is cut and rolled into neat haystacks. 
Leafy green trees turning to yellow or red or orange. Then withering off to outline. Deciduous ! Like the tree saying to itself - Fall away.

Science says - When autumn arrives and days get shorter, plants are drought-stressed. Hence deciduous trees decrease their pigment production giving the leaves non green colour. These trees later  lose their leaves to conserve water during winter and grow back in next suitable season. Better to lose than to repair. ( as per wiki ).

Every sign in autumn gives us a sense of winter coming close. But the preparation of winter bypasses the praise for autumn.

So lets wait this autumn. Let winter be on stand by. Lets keep worry of cold away for a while. Take a minute to observe the beauty of colours. Look at those wonderful trees. The ornaments on the roadside or by a house. Trees turning their leaves to yellow, orange, red, brown. Like God giving an illusion of the fire, heat and warmth. A chance to embrace the heat and warmth into our eyes for a little longer. Like His devised plan. A deceiving summer!

Fall is not about 'kick-of' to the end of happy summer. Its about giving hope to see it again. Feel that warmth again. Experience the excitement again.

Autumn! You are not beginning to harsh winter, you are beginning to conceive new beginning.

Fall..i fall for you..

Fall lover.


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