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Survival of the fittest

During these times of pandemic - a cycle of lockdown and uncertainty has worried everyone. Each one of us misses the social life. Video calls, online lessons and dinner parties have become the new way of social life. Many people are of the view that this is the new normal. Henceforth this lifestyle will continue, social distancing is the new norm. Well, I just got a thought that we are in the world were there are machines for almost everything. A new robotic way of doing things is in progress, an emerging space science is on the way and currently with the unbeatable speed in medical science. With all this technology and science I doubt that distancing will be a new norm. Every space institute is striving to achieve their goals. Do you think that they are doing this so that people can never meet or see each other? Elon Musk wants to build a new world on Mars. Jeff Besos wants to reform earth so that only humans can live on it. Achieving that by shifting manufacturing to spac

Little Joys

When my younger one was delivered, the hospital was crowded with around 20 of my own family members. Others came later to visit us. I was shocked to see so much crowd. My elder one being born in UK with only my parents being around, this was my first delivery in India. Even after having two amazing kids I still cant get enough of being mother. Not that I want more kids. But to live those special moments again. Yet again, I am not talking about the pregnancy phase or the delivery one (absolutely not). But the one when the new born baby comes into your arms. Touching those tiny little fingers, the soft delicate skin. A little cooing. Soft cries, a moment when you forget all your physical pain, problems, mentally emotionally, your look. A new mum is probably the most ugly and tired person in the room, yet the most beautiful. Its the moment when everyone is praising the beautiful child. Family comparing the baby with mother, father, some with grandparents and some with sibling. Parents sha

Blessing In Disguise

For me lockdown was like a never ending weekend. I spent a lot of quality time with kids. Saw them grow every bit, every laughter, every smile and their cries as well. Being a mother of two - one toddler and other preschooler, initially, I had a hard time to get a schedule fixed for them. I would be in dilemma all the time as one of them would need me the most.  I missed the school of my elder one - Aarvi. I had to give up that time on my little one - Kriti, which I would spend on giving lots of cuddles and help her achieve her toddler milestones. This was not possible with Aarvi being around. She, as of now, being an attention seeker and a fast learner. Giving sole time to each one was getting difficult. Though things got smoother by passing time. Untimely tantrums, rising demands drove me mad at times. In summer we spent time in our garden. Taking sunshine and plucking flowers would keep them engaged and allow us to relax both physically and mentally.  With my husband hav


Its FALL !  'Gear up for winter'.  This is what comes to our minds when we enter into fall. A harsh winter is on our way, be prepared. Shop for warm clothes, buy extra socks, new shoes, a new jacket, perhaps even change car tires?? An annual plumbing and heater checks. Phew. Its just like the beginning of a known yet an unknown seasonal war.  Green fields turning to brown. Brown fields turning to barren land, when hay is cut and rolled into neat haystacks.  Leafy green trees turning to yellow or red or orange. Then withering off to outline. Deciduous ! Like the tree saying to itself - Fall away. Science says - When autumn arrives and days get shorter, plants are drought-stressed. Hence deciduous trees decrease their pigment production giving the leaves non green colour. These trees later  lose their leaves to conserve water during winter and grow back in next suitable season. Better to lose than to repair. ( as per wiki ). Every sign in autumn gives us a sense of wi

Lets Mould

Generations and again we (humans) have been thinking what is the right way to nurture kids. More than nurture we think of how can we make them excel.  Excel. Why only excel is we need?  Train them. Tutor them. Coach them. But make them excel. What is that we really want? Fulfilling our incomplete wishes, dreams, our own diminishing aspirations. Though some kids do live up to our expectations. Seldom excel. But majority of them will succumb their own dreams, while some might have even not found one. Another trend in community is to have a 'stand out' kid. While pushing all limits we need our kid to stand out. Do something out of box. Build a machine, be an all rounder or perhaps even fly into the space.  We want it all. Its time we try something different now. Let them be kids. Let them play a little more. Let them be lazy for a while. Act funny with them. Drift away with their own silly dreams.  Train them  - to keep smiling in difficult times. Tutor them - its OK t